I made this blog to share the things I learn with each cosplay. Showing what works [and what definitely doesn't] through posts and tutorials.

Basically: Don't make the same mistakes I did. Save yourself the money - and sanity!

I wore my first 'true' cosplay back in 2012, and man was I nervous going to New York Comic Con..

I was a HUGE introvert and hated being the center of attention - but I've always loved dressing up in fun costumes. (Who didn't love Halloween?!) So even though I thought I looked soooo cool in my Assassin's Creed cosplay, as soon as I stepped outside I felt super self-conscious and embarrassed. I definitely got some confused, judging stares all the way from the train station to the Javits Center.. but once I saw the huge crowd of other cosplayers, I instantly felt at home.

Finding people that were just as nerdy as me and appreciated my work was awesome. I've gained fun memories and lasting friendships. Once I broke out of my shell I learned just how big the community was. I even entered Disney's 2019 D23 Mousequerade - and was chosen to be a contestant! We didn't win, but it inspired me to continue making cosplays.

I created this cosplay blog to help other cosplayers, and for us to learn together.

I'm not a 'professional' with a workshop. I mainly sit on the floor of my room, hoping I don't ruin the floors - or my back. But I want to share my honest experiences and learned techniques as I continue to craft more cosplays. I found that some tutorials make it look so easy and perfect, without showing how easily things can go wrong - and how to fix it. Because ya know, people screw up sometimes and it's nice to know others do too. Especially when you're starting out. (ughh, I've wasted so much material...) Finding specific tutorials was difficult for me in the beginning, so I want to make it a little easier for others.

Cosplay is a way for us dorks, nerds, and 'weirdos' to express ourselves, and show our obsession love for a character or franchise. It's become more of an art form, and a fun way to meet people! Don't be intimidated by those who look *amazing* - everyone starts somewhere.

Cons I’ve been to so far:

  • New York Comic Con

  • Wizard World Philadelphia

  • Fan Expo Philadelphia

  • D23 Expo

If you ever see me at a con feel free to come up and say 'Hi!'

Check out my Instagram @quinnzelcosplay :)